Book Brief (and, Mom, please write a review)
The shameless self-promotion that goes along with writing a book has been more challenging than I expected—and it's something I procrastinated actively engaging in for the first few months. Handing copies of to Mormons, with LOVE to my neighbors and LDS friends left me feeling anxious as I waited for their reactions to trickle in. Prior to the book's release, a few people heard that I'd written something about Mormon culture through the lens of a nonmember. "Is this like The Help?" one woman asked. No, but I wish it was as good as The Help. I was proud of how I handled the content so my reluctance to peddle my product wasn't rooted in false modesty, but the last thing I wanted was for my neighbors and friends to feel at all betrayed or like I'd been exploitative. I'm happy and you-have-no-idea-how-relieved to report that all is well. We don't have to move!
And it's time for me to hustle my book. Word-of-mouth marketing has been effective and sales have increased each month. The feature article I wrote for LDSLiving Magazine's November/December 2011 issue was well received and generated more interest in the book and my writing in general. A portion of the article is currently on their website. LDSLiving asked me to blog for their online readers as the Non-LDS Neighbor. I've submitted a few pieces and am waiting to hear from the editor.
Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive for to Mormons, with LOVE from both members and nonmembers. I started the book three years ago so it's serendipitous that we have an LDS presidential candidate and The Book of Mormon Broadway Musical is doing so well.
Here are a few photos from the book launch in October.

Ta-Da!Repeating in my head..."you're" is YOU ARE.
It was an exciting evening and I tried to look comfortable as I signed books for the first time. My brain recalled memories from high school yearbook signing parties, so that's what I did. Hey, Jenny! You look terrific. Love your purse. Thanks for taking a peek at my book. You're the best! Have a super great month and enjoy the read. Your friend 4-ever (even though we just met!), Chrisy Ross.
Book signings are humbling. I'm still amazed that someone wants me to sign a book. My own mother commented recently, "I can't believe you didn't sign the book you sent to your father and me." I said, "YOU'RE MY MOTHER. You really want me to sign your book?" She said, "I guess not."
This Saturday, February 4th, from 1:00-4:00 PM, I'll be at the South Towne Barnes & Noble store in Sandy for an Authorpalooza event. I'd love to sign a book for you like we sat beside each other in biology class, grossed out by the fetal pig dissection, and we're parting for summer break. I'd also be thrilled with a simple hello. Swing by if you're in the area.
AND, one final request.
If you've read to Mormons, with LOVE, thank you for reading. If you enjoyed the book and want to help me hustle, please take a few moments to write a review on,, and/or Reviews facilitate book sales. And if you think a friend or two might enjoy the read, please recommend the title (via Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, casual conversation, etc.,) or share your copy with someone. Books are happiest when circulated!
NOTE TO MOM: If you write a review for me on Amazon, I'll sign your book. Love, Chrisy