"Ooh - ooh - ooooh!" - Arnold Horshack
The father of one of Oldest Boy's classmates took several wonderful photographs of kids being 4th grade students during the 2007-2008 school year. This fourth grade class had a "MAN-teacher" and they loved him. He didn't have a Gabe Kotter mustache, but he did have a sense of humor that ultimately helped many kids learn (in my humble opinion).

Our child is the boy with glasses, hand raised, in the middle of the classroom. The voice in his head is saying, "Pick me, pick me, pleeeeeease pick me!"

Now he's thinking, "Maybe Mr. J. just hasn't noticed me yet..."

And now, "What was the question again? I think my arm's fallen asleep..."
Oldest Boy is truly nothing like Arnold Horshack or any other Sweathog on Welcome Back, Kotter - although we'd love him the same if he was a Vinnie, Freddy, Epstein, or Arnold.