V-Day BK [before kids]

Valentine's Day circa 1996...

Chris checked tires, chains, brakes and ensured we had extra tubes and the proper allen wrenches for our bikes. I made sure we had snacks.

Chris and Chrisy's Bikes

We'd head to the desert, ride for a while and stop for lunch. Pop-Tarts and water under a tree.

Lunch Tree

I frequently crashed—usually pedaling uphill—and Chris always sacrificed his water to clean my scratches.  Sometimes I cried...pain, frustration, fatigue, or simply a bruised ego. Chris was never sharp with me. You almost had it. Take as long as you need—we have plenty of time.

Falling Uphill

We don't have those bikes, that truck, or live near the tree. And my leg sports a wrinkled knee, a few scars, and evidence of Pop-Tart consumption [as all of our legs should].

But we still have each other this Valentine's Day. Plus three handsome reminders of what intoxication on Pop-Tarts and water—plus playing a little doctor—can produce.

Happy V-Day.